The Slovak Queer Film Festival (FFi) is a festival for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersexual people, their parents, children, other relatives and friends.
Since 2007, our festival has continued the tradition of gay festivals in Slovakia, which took place between 1995 and 2001. Currently, the only LGBTI film festival in Slovakia is organized by the citizens association Iniciatíva Inakosť and is called the Slovak Queer Film Festival (FFi), in Slovak Filmový festival inakosti.
FFi gives following official awards:
- Pink Balloon for Best Short Film
- Audience Award
Licence holders (applicants) can submit their films to the festival – considering its theme and focus, from May 1 to September 22.
In terms of type, the festival accepts:
- fiction
- documentary
- animated
- other (experimental, etc.) films
in terms of footage:
- short (up to and including 59 min.)
- feature (longer than 59 min.)
The film selection for the festival is done by the programme team and the programmers. The final decision of the selection committee will be announced by September 30. For administrative reasons, only licence holders whose films have been accepted for the festival, will be informed about the decision.
The festival accepts following screening formats:
- DCP (2D)
In exceptional cases, these formats are acceptable:
- mp4 full HD, H264, stereo or 5.1, bitrate: up to 5Mbit/s, max. file size: 10 GB
- bluray – B region / Europe
- dvd – region Europe (dvd is not recommended format for cinema screenings!)
FFi covers the costs associated with the transport of the film as follows:
- either import or export – only one of the transports if the film is sent between festivals,
- import and export, if the film is sent and received by the licence holder.
Films must be delivered to FFi no later than 20 days before the festival starts.
FFi accepts the responsibility for screening formats from the moment of their acceptance in the territory of Slovakia until the moment of their return.
Applicants, whose films were selected for the programme must provide the following materials to FFi no later than October 15:
- press kit
- official film website
- 300 dpi film photos
- English and original language dialogue list with time code (ideally in *.srt format)
- posters and other promotional materials, movie trailer in FULL HD resolution
FFi reserves the right to use short extracts from films for the purposes of promoting festival screenings in the length:
- up to 3 minutes in feature films
- up to 30 seconds in short films
Extracts can be used on television, cinema, on the web and in multimedia presentations of the festival. FFi reserves the right to use other promotional materials in official festival materials – catalogue, leaflets, posters, festival billboards, festival websites, festival cinemas and also provide them to journalists for the purpose of promoting the event.
- September 22: Film submission deadline
- September 30: Selection committee/programmers deadline for film selection
- October 15: Promotional materials delivery deadline
- November 2: Deadline for delivery of screening formats
- FFi Bratislava: November 22 – 28, 2023
- FFi Echos: November – December 2023